The Board Chair has worked in ministry for 55 years, serving as pastor and evangelist in four conferences: Georgia-Cumberland, Kentucky-Tennessee, Florida, and South Dakota. He began working with Jewish Ministry in the Florida Conference Office in 1995. In 2003, he transferred to the Southern Union Office where he was Director of Church Growth/Evangelism Training/Jewish Ministry. While working in the Southern Union, he also worked for the NAD as Director of Jewish ministry. Although he retired from the Southern Union in 2022, he continues as NAD Jewish Ministry Coordinator and Chair of the Governing Board of the Shalom Learning Center.
Sean Carney
Internet Advocate since the early 1990’s, Including Founder of TAGnet, Past Internet Publishing Manager at Apple Computer Company, Past Broadband Webmaster eXcite @Home, and seasoned consultant for various non-profit Web Development Projects.
Laurie Ringer
The Publishing Director holds relevant MA degrees in English Literature (Andrews University) and Medieval Vernacular Languages and Literatures (University of Hull) and a PhD in Middle English Theological and Devotional Literature (University of Hull). She brings 30 years of university English teaching, academic research, editorial experience, document writing, publication experience, and archival work to the SLC team.
Andrei Lestev
Associate Director of Shalom Media and the Shalom Learning Center, Marketing Director and Production Manager
The Speaker-Director holds an MA in Biblical Languages Andrews University and PhD Hebraic Studies and Rabbinic Literature Hebrew Union College - Institute of Religion. He studied Rabbinic Literature and Talmud at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America at New York University and was awarded summer fellowships at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Alexander (Sasha) has worked for the NAD since 2000. He has served as Director of the Shalom Learning Center since 2006. In addition to academic and administrative experience, he has worked as a pastor and church planter in Greater New York, Illinois, Ohio, and Oregon and is currently pastoring in the Minnesota Conference.
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